2 May 2014

The trick to add retail sales on to every treatment!!

Selling retail products as well as your service can be very beneficial to your salon, albeit very difficult. The common reasoning of a client's refusal may simply be because they don't 'need' that particular product. So when an add on product is offered at transaction time, there is no appeal to have it because they are convinced they do not need it. 

The common denominator demotivating many therapists is that they feel as though they are spoiling the experience by pressurising clients in to buying more product. As salon professionals selling retail products, the first obstacle of overcoming the refusal is understanding that when a product is offered rather than sold, 9 times out of 10 it will be refused as it does feel like a sale. This is to nobody's fault but more so because anybody would politely refuse a product if they are not aware of it's benefits, why they need it, and what it can do. So how can you add a retail sale on to all your treatments without having this mentality?

· Take into consideration that customers who frequent a salon are prototypical buyers of premium skincare; they are interested in indulging in beauty treatments to make them feel better and stereotypically, they have usually tried many brands in treatments and haven’t found a perfect one yet.

· Realise the difference in sales and selling something. If you talk clients through products you use during treatments and highlight all the different features and benefits, if they like what they hear they will be able to make the decision without pressurisation. Listing the products used in treatments on treatment lists will also help reinforce the benefits.

· Put yourself in a similar situation, and ask what would make you buy this product? If you knew your hair could look this silky everyday, or skin could feel this smooth you would be more inclined to start to desire that product and look at it in a more appealing manner. Product up-selling
 offers your client the ability to recreate their look at home which will improve the results, and encourage repeat visits. 

· Believing in the product is very important. If you are a salon owner, let your staff test the products. To give a completely professional opinion they need to know the ins and outs, study the product knowledge and know the benefits and procedures off the top of their head. Having a passion about something has been proven to enlighten others and convert them. 

· Trends in skincare- Alternatively, it could be the case that you are stocking the wrong products. Keeping abreast of the trends in skincare can help you ensure that you are stocking the right products for your clients. 

Selling retail starts to help you focus on your overall treatment technique, are you finding out what your customer likes and what they are looking for? Only a small amount of customers have found the perfect hair care or skin care range but that leaves the majority who haven't and aren't 100% happy. This means there is huge selling potential in the beauty industry. Your clients come to you because you are a skilled professional. Your expertise should be shared with the client to help build trust and offer them the best of your service by exerting your knowledge and going the extra mile. After all if you cant recommend products to us- who can? Believe in your abilities! 

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