21 Mar 2018

Easter Marketing Tips!

Easter is coming relatively early this year, falling on the 1st of April, so you need to get planning ASAP! For this week’s blog we thought we would share with you our best Easter marketing ideas for you and your salon.

The obvious Easter marketing tip to give would be to run an Easter promotion. Giving your customers some sort of special Easter offer will encourage customers, both new and current, to visit your salon. The main benefits for doing a campaign is to increase the number of people visiting your salon, which will also hopefully bring many new customers that will return in the future. Another big benefit of offering some sort of deal to your customers during and Easter is that you will be able to up-sell your full price retail products, as people will be more inclined to spend money if they have saved on their service(s). Here’s an example for an Easter promotion that you could do:

Once you’ve got your promotion planned, you need to get it out to your customers. There’s plenty of ways to do this, however there are some ways that will work a lot better than others. For starters you want to put your offer in your shop window, so that anyone walking past can clearly see the offer that you have on, which could potentially result in someone visiting your salon and not your competitor across the street. Social media is the perfect place to showcase your promotions, especially Facebook. The best thing about social media is probably the fact that it is FREE, so you might as well just give it a go and see if it works for you. You can also pay for promotions on some networks, such as Facebook and Instagram, so this will allow you to reach even more potential customers and get your promotion out there! Another great way to send out your promotion would be by SMS and judging by the fact that 99% of texts are opened, this is a great way to reach out to your customers. With Salon Tracker this can be done straight from the system in a matter of minutes from our marketing feature and sent out either instantly or scheduled for later time. Here are a couple of ideas that you could use for your promo SMS:

Hi <name>
This Easter we are offering 20% discount on all services! Show this text is the salon to receive your discount! Offer ends 8th April so be quick!

Hi <name>
All us at <salon name> are wishing you a Happy Easter. All of our services and retail products are 20% off when you book over the Easter week!

I would suggest using both Social media and SMS to make customers aware of your promotion, as social media will allow you to reach out to both current and potential customers, whereas with SMS you will only be able to contact your current clients.
Although emails seem to be a thing of the past, compared to SMS, it is still a great way for you to send out your promotions to your customers. And it’s FREE! There are some great email providers out there, such as Mailchimp, that allow you to create templates and send out an email to multiple customers! Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket, try use Social media, SMS messages and Emails to send out your promotions to your customers, and then you can see which one performs best for any future promotions.

Decorating your salon may seem like something that won’t make an impact on your salon, however for many it could be the difference in them visiting or revisiting, as it makes your salon feel welcoming and homely to your clients. You don’t want to go too over the top with your decorations, but just enough to make it look inviting and professional to your clients to ensure that they enjoy their visit. This could also involve creating some sort of product table, that displays all of your retail products that are included in the promotion, as this could encourage a client to spend some extra money and buy a retail product as well if it is clearly displayed on sale to them.

These are just a few marketing tips that we gathered together for you, however there are plenty more marketing tools you can use to promote your salon this Easter. If you want any help regarding the SMS and email marketing from our system, feel free to contact our team who will be able to help you with that.

If you want a demo and trial of the software you can visit our website www.salontracker.co.uk and enter your details, or you can email our team on info@salontracker.co.uk or call on 0113 350 8230!

Salon Tracker x

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