29 Aug 2017

Your Sunday Night Regime to ensure you start the Working Week off well!

We all know the feeling - Monday-morning dread. We’ve all felt it at some point in time, the ‘I need 3 large lattes before I can function’ mode, whether this be when we were at uni, going through exams or starting the busy working week. (And if you haven’t ever felt it, then kudos to ya!)

Anyhow, if you’re feeling slumped first thing on a morning, this sometimes means that your day may not be as productive as it perhaps could be. But, having said that, just a few simple changes to your Sunday night routine, diet and sleep pattern can all have a huge impact on your mentality for the start of the working week. If this sounds like it may benefit you, read on…

If you have a busy weekend, packed with partying, trips out or physical activity, this can have a large strain on your body and so in order to re-energise, you need to ensure that you give your body that little bit of Sunday night TLC that it needs. Equally, if you do absolutely nothing one weekend (I’m talking the couch potato, slouched in front of the television watching endless box-sets and eating junk food kinda vibe) this can also have a negative effect on the start of your working week if you don’t snap out of sleep-mode beforehand. Of course, we all love a party. Equally we also all love a lounging day, however it’s all about everything in moderation and ensuring that we get back in to the motivational frame of mind ready to attack that Monday morning!

So, what are my recommendations? If you’ve had a couple of late nights Friday, Sat and had a pretty busy Sunday, you need to make sure that you relax for at least an hour or 2 on the Sunday night prior to going to sleep. Reason being, if you don’t unwind before going to bed, this can actually interfere with your sleep and be responsible for your restless night.

And by relaxing, this is not sitting on the couch scrolling endlessly through social media, as this can also affect your mind frame! We all know the Sunday afternoon ‘let’s compare ourselves to our Instagram idols’ 
social media kind of habit. Not only does this take up time where you should be focusing on yourself to uplift from the busy weekend, it can also affect your mind frame as you give yourself a hard time, stressing that ‘your hair’s not as nice as hers, you don’t have a thigh gap - and gosh, you better get squatting.’ This equally has a negative impact on your mind frame as you’re not giving your thoughts a break and then these feelings can again hinder your sleep and affect how you wake up in the morning.

Now you’re probably thinking, don’t sit on Instagram for 2 hours? Well what am I going to do? We all spend SO much time on social media, sometimes it’s actually quite refreshing to put the phone down and instead of focusing on lots of other people (that the majority of the time you don’t actually know in person), instead, use that time to focus on yourself.

Instead of worrying about what you don’t have, how about you make a list of achievements that you have gained over the last few months. From these achievements, work out how you got there and what helped you along the way. I recommend then that you keep these lists and then from this, write down a few things that you hope to achieve, or develop in the near future. Then, once every month or so, get out this little box to, number 1 - remind yourself of all the amazing things that you have done, and number 2 – to also see how far you have come with your development plans.

Next, get out your favourite pampering equipment. I’m talking bath bombs, body lotions, candles, oils – the works! Create a little home-spa and take an hour out to actually just relax and unwind from all the busy-ness, away from your phone and social networks. This will most probably feel like the longest hour of your life, and it will be a good-hour at that!

Next recommendation, READ! How many of you can honestly say that you have read a book, journal, paper magazine (none digital) in the last month? It’s important to occupy your mind with things other than work, how busy your weekend has been and social media comparing etc. By doing this, you instantly divulge in to whatever you’re reading and without realising, this relaxes your mind and gives you a bit of head-space.

A slightly silly one, but, next I recommend tidying. I’m not talking the big spring clean kind of clear out. But just a short, 10-minute flit-round your room, as honestly, waking up in a messy room on a Monday morning is the instant demotivator! Your get-ready space instantly lacks organisation, appearance, space, and trust me – this can contribute to a bad start to the week. Mess = stress, and then that dreaded feeling all day that you have to go home to an untidy room when you get home. Another little tip, surround yourself with things that make you smile and give you an instant mood lift. Flowers, pictures, photos – whatever it is that can just alter your home atmosphere. Oh  and make that bed too when you leave on a Monday morning, another instant gripe when you turn up home to find an un-made crumpled sleeping arrangement!

Alternatively, if you have had a complete chiller of a TV/films weekend, then before all of the above, I would recommend fresh-air. Fresh air is the ultimate healer and clean-space for thinking and clearing the mind. Plus, as we said if you’ve spent all day cooped up at home, this can interfere with your productivity as without realising, you enter a bit of an accidental lazy-mode and can lack motivation. A short walk to break up a lazy weekend is the perfect way to snap out of the lounging, and then this also gives you a reason to be worthy of a chill! Even if you’ve had a ridiculously busy weekend, a 5 minute stroll is always good for anybody, as even small exercise releases endorphin's to improve the mind-frame!

Now, this one is dependent on personal preference, but a 30-min exercise is excellent to strengthen the body and also to relieve the mind of any built-up stress from the previous week. Whether your exercise regime is a little session in the gym, a jog around the park, a swim at the baths, or it may be that you are in to a particular sport or you follow exercise videos? Whichever this may be, the national recommendation is to exercise at least 3 days per week for 30 minutes, just to ensure that your body remains active and to improve general health.

Diet. The dreaded word. But no, we’re not talking the Atkins, 5:2, and Paleo kind of FAD’s. We’re talking overall nutrition. We all know, the weekend is our bad-influence to eat carbs-overload, lots of sugar and often a few cocktails or 2. During this time, your body is neglected and deprived of many vitamins and minerals that are important to your daily function. It’s therefore important to make sure you replace these lost vits by eating healthy snacks and a super-food meal for dinner.

Your bedtime. And we literally mean the time. Often on a weekend you may find yourself going to bed after hours and running on 6 hours sleep. Great, it’s wonderful to be busy and to hit the party/social scene with friends, family and relatives. The old saying, work-hard, play-hard, is true. However, you do need to make sure that you re-boot and get enough sleep in order to make it through the week to the next weekend. When talking to people I've heard that the average sleep each human should have is 8-8 ½ hours per night. So, depending on when your Monday morning wake-up call is, make sure that you have lights out before 11, and we’d say try and make this 10 if you can. Just to make sure you get that much-needed rest that you require.

So, let’s recap…

Your new Sunday afternoon/night regime in short:

- Put down the mobile phone/tablet for at least an hour and stop comparing yourself to media ideals!

- Have lots of Healthy snacks and nutrient-rich foods

- Make a list of current achievements and plans for your development for the future     (review every few weeks!)

- Go for a little 5 minute stroll or 30 mins exercise (dependent on your kind of weekend

- Create a mini home-spa

- Tidy and surround yourself with positive things

- P
amper yourself – (nails, hair/face mask, body butters, and candles)

- Chill & Read (Something other than social media)

- Lights out before 11pm

Really hope you’ve enjoyed this read, and be sure to let us know if you’ve tried any of our tips and if they work to help you feel extra-energised!

Salon Tracker x

23 Aug 2017

Promote your Salon to Locals using the Web

One thing all salons need is exposure. Today we’ll be giving you some handy tips and tricks when it comes to exposing your company in your local area. For salons, no matter if it’s hair beauty or tanning, it is a given that most of your customers will be from the local area. However, relying on your loyal customers will hardly bring any growth to the business and many businesses are using various marketing strategies to encourage potential customers to book. If you want to get noticed by more people, whether you are a multi chain company or want to be the big deal within your community, the web can help you in many ways. Promoting your salon’s products and services online, through platforms such as Facebook and even mobile is quickly becoming the way to go.

But what exactly is digital marketing? Well, in short it is endorsement of your company, meaning it’s services, through online media channels such a Social Media, Search Engines or even email. Digital marketing can help in many ways to make it easier for clients to find you. You don’t have to be a marketing wiz to get started and many things can be done in just a few clicks. However, bear in mind that there is no quick formula for instant success. Attracting more customers from your community is a process that needs planning and testing and therefore takes time. Over the period, you have to keep up with it and monitor to see your progress. Make sure you also figure out what doesn’t work, so you don’t waste time and resources.

Let’s get started:

Nowadays people look for services from their home or on the go, rather than to go to town and look what shops have on offer. Therefore, there is a huge market opportunity you can take advantage of and target the people that are actively looking for something in the neighbourhood.
The best way to attract clients in the beginning would be to tailor your website for local search. These days people are used to using their phones when out and about to get information quickly. That’s why it’s so important to create a local online presence for your salon.

Someone who is looking for something in a specific location is usually ready to purchase. There is not much convincing you need to do as they’ve made up their mind. They just need directing in the right direction. So make sure you’ll be there go to salon. Here are a few more tips you can do:

Firstly, make sure your location details are on your website and Facebook page. This will make it easier for people to find you on their phones or computers.

Next, your telephone number, email and working hours should always be portraying the correct information. Therefore, update them as soon as they change.

You can even include an interactive map when people are looking on their phones.

Use online directories that such as Yelp for more exposure and the opportunity for clients to review your services. Google My Business is great because it’s FREE and you can manage your online presence including Search and Maps. This will help customers find you and also gather information about your business.

Social media nowadays is the most common form of advertisement with thousands of businesses using it as their sole method. Outlets such as Facebook, give you the opportunity to advertise to specific target groups for example those who live near you and have expressed interest in services you offer. Promoting your business on Facebook is a paid service. However, it can help to target specific groups of people. As most salons do have a Facebook page, this is more common to the more traditional website it also opens the opportunity to reach people in just a few steps.

Local advertising and search can help you stand out to potential customer, whether they live in the area or passing through. It will help improve the chances that a person chooses you over your competition. This topic can be quite technical and all the marketing terminology can seem confusing, but there are lots of articles and tutorials online. If you are really looking to improve your online presence but don’t know how, there are plenty of marketing agencies that are specialised in this area.

We have found a few useful links if you want to read more about the topic.

Salon Tracker x

16 Aug 2017

Our Tips For The Back-to-School Season!

Although it may seem like the summer holidays have only just started, school is right around the corner again. For many parents, the summer time can often be seen as a time to try get the best possible deals on new uniforms, stationary and all the other countless school essentials. However, for you as salon owners this time can be used wisely to attract sales and to promote your business. Here are a few straightforward tips that you can use to ensure that the ‘Back-to-School’ period is a successful one.

Promote to Parents and Students

Everyone wants to make a good impression of their first day back, meaning that many parents will be wanting to treat their child/children to a ‘Back-to-School’ haircut. This gives you a great opportunity to attract new customers or to persuade past customers to use your salon again. Promoting offers and deals during this period is always a good way to receive more sales. For instance, you may want to give out a discount to parents that have more than one child having a haircut, but you need to make sure that the discount isn’t too drastic. So, don’t be offering anything along the lines of ‘One haircut, another free for siblings’, as this could damage your salon’s image in the future as people will be expecting constant big discounts. Once students reach sixth form and university they are eligible for student discount, so one way to attract the older generation of students would be by giving a student discount during this period. For example, you might want to offer 10% or 15% off any treatments or retail products, this will definitely attract those university students who are looking for the best deal with their low student finance.


Not all children are jumping with joy when their parents announce that they are going to the hairdressers for their annual back to school haircut. So, a good way around the tantrums would be to provide freebies, such as sweets or toys, which you can give out either before whilst waiting or once they have had their haircut.

Competitor Research

Many children and teenagers will want their haircut and style to follow the latest trends, therefore it is important that you complete research prior to this busy period, as this will give you a head start and a better insight into these latest trends. You should also look at other salons, especially in your local area, as this will allow you get a sneak-peek at what other owners are doing. This will not only give you inspiration, but it will also mean that you will be able to think of ways in which you can be different and unique to beat off competitors.

Now that you have all of your ideas together, you need to create a plan on how you will target students and parents. The best, and cheapest, way to promote your salon and latest offers would be through social media, it’s a great platform for you to engage with new and previous customers and persuade them to come to your salon. Although it will cost you to use this method, another great way to contact your customers would be by sending text messages, as this will allow you to directly contact specific customers, which is perfect for the Back-to-School season. Our Salon Tracker Software allows you to directly send text messages to clients, with the marketing feature, from this we have been able to see a great reaction when used correctly. A more traditional method of promoting your salon would be by using email, although it is free, email isn’t as successful as the previous two. However, it is still a good method that you can use to target specific customers that will be intrigued by these deals.

We hope that you found these ideas helpful, and that you will be able to use them to benefit your salon. If you have any questions or want any more information on how our Salon Tracker software could help with your salon management and to maximise sales, then don’t hesitate to contact us on 0113 350 8230.

Salon Tracker

8 Aug 2017

Feature of the Month – Unlimited Tanning Courses and Happy Hour Deals

August is here, which means it’s time for another feature of the month post. As most tanning businesses are booming over the summer months we thought it would be worth diving into special tanning options on our system that might come as a surprise to you, as our technical and advanced features are often forgotten. However, what most people don’t know is how much easier they can make salon management. Especially for our Tanning Salon owners! We thought about ideas and what we could do that we haven't already done. We talked about tanning features before, such as security and tanning rules. But we realised that we have never really talked about how you can actually manage your minutes and courses and especially any special offers through the system. Therefore, this month we wanted to dive into the option of controlling your Unlimited courses and Happy Hour sessions directly from the system. 

Our customers often ask us how they can sell and set up unlimited monthly courses. As a product it is not uncommon to the tanning world. However, did you know that Happy Hour promotions are also getting more and more popular, as owners can decide to run a promotion during a specific time of the day?

These tools are great for any tanning salon who wants to stay super organised with offers, but without having to constantly keep an eye on it. The system does it all for you! It is designed for when customers purchase either one of options and start using the minutes, the system will take it automatically into consideration to take the promotion off after your desired time. All you do is set an expiry period and that's it. Meaning if you offer an unlimited tanning month you set an expiry period on the system to 1 month and don’t have to worry about turning it off for every customer at different times. Same applies to the Happy Hour promotion just in a slightly different way. Below we have listed the difference between Unlimited and Happy Hour and how both options work on the system. 


Unlimited courses is a weekly, monthly or annual offer that is added to a customer's client card, which enables them to use as many minutes during that time as they please. When salon’s offer this particular product then customers can purchase it whenever they want. Once they start using the minutes they system will automatically recognise the action and will turn the unlimited minutes off at the end of the period. There is no need to keep an eye on customer’s courses and to turn them off manually whenever they finish. If you do however need to check their status or want to double check something then the information is always available in the customer purchase history. 

Happy Hour 

Unlike unlimited courses, Happy Hour promotions are only available during a specific time of the day. Therefore, the customer does not have constant access to cheaper minutes whenever they come in. The idea behind Happy Hour minutes is for salons to utilize quieter periods and make the most of them. Therefore, Happy Hour offers are a marketing strategy to bring more customers through the door during specific times of the day. It is up to the salon for how many hours they want to run a Happy Hour deal during the day and on what days it will be available. Happy Hour deals are only available as a walk-in service, meaning the minutes will be purchased then and there and also used up during the visit. 

Salon Tracker is a tanning salon management solution that caters for all needs of tanning business owners. Its features are unique to Salon Tracker and include options such as safety implementation and sunbed timer integration. The system tracks and manages all minutes by documenting all information, meaning the owner can manually access all shop activity on a daily level.

If you would like to speak to us about the system and receive more information on how you can manage your Tanning salon better with Salon Tracker then please get in touch. If you would like help setting up your Unlimited courses and Happy Hour deals then we are more than happy to assist with that. Our support team is available Monday-Friday from 9 am - 5 pm for any questions and enquiries.

Salon Tracker x

1 Aug 2017

How to use the UK’s Summer Festivals to up your Salon Sales!

August! The month of some of the UK’s biggest and best-loved festivals. Spread all up and down the UK you’ve got Creamfields, V, and Leeds & Reading – festivals that are a whole mix of music genres from house to pop to indie/rock! So, a perfect time to attract clients of all different interests and to run some festival-themed campaigns to attract each of these target audiences.

So, dependent on where your salon is based, you’re going to want to research the genre of the festival that is close to you in order to market to the appropriate audience. For example, look at the average age of the visitors, what their common interests are, and so on. This way you can create a strategic campaign that is well suited to attract that particular clientele.

So, ideas for a festival campaign to increase your footfall and get those clients spending! Your biggest one is media influence and celebs. Look at the big festivals, like the likes of Coachella and Glastonbury, see what the celebs wore and how they styled their hair & makeup for those. As, especially with the younger market, it’s the icons in the media that inspire their choice of style.

Next, work out if you can offer those styles and how you can make the price attractive to your clients. We’re not saying discount everything down, as you don’t want to do that either and be renowned for being the cheaper salon. Instead, create value to their salon experience, so for example include some little add-on extra’s like ‘free festival fizz’ or complimentary snacks? Or, you may want to put offers on your associated retail products, so for example if a client is getting their manicure or gel nails fresh for the fest, you might want to offer 10% off a nail product when purchased with the treatment? Or if it’s new bangs, how about putting offers on your hairsprays to keep the style in-tact for all weathers? That way, you’re still gaining the revenue from the appointment and hopefully still breaking even on your retail sales.

Another idea, if you have a company Spotify account, is to create playlists based on the genre of your closest festival! Do some research in to similar playlists and the songs that are included within those lists on Spotify already and then create your own. Name it after your salon and in reference to the festival, and then see how many followers you get! Not only does this help to aid your festival campaign, it’s also a new idea to get people talking about your salon.

Once you’ve got your ideas together, create a launch strategy! How can you push your ideas to clients? The main, and probably obvious one by now – get on social media. Social networks are the prime area to promote services that are linked to popular events, as so many people are already on there talking about it and sharing ideas. Although, traditional marketing is also useful here, for example a promotional SMS message to let clients know about your new services (or new playlist!) is a good one. Recent studies from a report by Dynmark suggests that "98% of all SMS messages are opened", so it is still proven to be a fast and effective way to market to clients. As a salon software company, we also see very positive results from when our clients use SMS to push marketing messages & campaigns to their customers – so any help you may need on that, we are your port of call!

A great way to then get your campaign noticed is to include the official and popular hashtags that are commonly used for that festival. So we know for 2017, V fest official hashtags are #VFestival and #V2017. So for example an idea might be:

‘Going to #VFestival this year? Head to <salonname> for all the best-fest beauty treatments!


‘It’s nearly time for #V2017, so we’ve created the perfect Spotify playlist to get you festival-ready! Follow it at <playlistname>’

The official social media pages for each festival usually have these hashtags in their bio, so just look out for the blue-tick next to their account name and then you know for sure that these were created by the company itself.

And then, just a little extra, are there any local festivals situated near to your salon location? Have you ever thought about maybe doing a pop-up salon? If there is a local music event near you, still implement all of the tips we have given above, but then why not go that step further and take your services to the site itself! Obviously, we understand there are a few more costs involved with doing this! You would need to be granted permission from the event organiser, carry out health and safety checks and do a risk assessment. However, if the event attracts a high volume of visitors, this could potentially be a whole range of new clients for you and a fantastic opportunity to increase brand awareness! And if you’re finding the idea a bit daunting, just think once you have done one event, you’re then prepped for if any of these opportunities are to arise in the future. Just a little something to think about if you fancy going that extra mile!

But as always, if you want any extra sales tips, or marketing tactics to help you to advertise to your clients, our sales and marketing team are always at the other end of the phone to help! Reach us on 0113 350 8230.

Salon Tracker x

Solo Package

If you’re a solo salon owner or a mobile beauty professional, you know how important it is to have the right tools to streamline your busine...