23 Nov 2016

How to improve Sales for Black Friday and Advent (plus Salon Tracker Black Friday Offers)

One month till Christmas. We bet December is one of the busiest months for salons and spas. Plenty of opportunities packed into the run up to Christmas. One of the biggest sales opportunities in recent years has definitely become Black Friday. Year after year, businesses throw out the best deals they can possibly think of this time of the year. The increase in popularity is hard not to notice since they are designed to boost sales and everyone seems to get on the bandwagon.

In case you forgot, it’s Black Friday this week, followed by the first of Advent on Sunday. These days, not just retail shops participate, but many other businesses are involved. Meaning, especially for those working in the beauty industry, it’s just another opportunity to market your salon and pull some discounts out of your sleeve. The secret is to know when and how to get discounts out, in order to improve your salon sales. Sometimes, it’s unavoidable, especially when everyone around you is competing for the best deals. Luckily, the run up to Christmas is full of potential opportunities to boost sales. That’s why now is the time to really focus on your sales campaigns. You’ve got a busy month ahead of you that you should use to its fullest potential. So, to stay focused and not get lost in the discount jungle I’ve compiled some ideas that can help get the most out of the next few weeks, but also prepare you for any other upcoming events.

First of all, you’ll have to get the word out

This is an obvious one. People won’t know about your discounts unless you advertise it. This can be done through your favourite marketing tool. Over the recent years, social media has become one of the best ways to market your salon and deals. It’s easy to use, most people are familiar with it and best of all it’s free. It can be a very effective marketing tool and improve your sales over the festive period.
Post events and updates on your Salon’s Facebook and Twitter.  As most of us do, you probably own a smartphone or have a computer with internet access at home or in your salon. Posting on social media is an easy way to keep your customers engaged and spread the word about any weekend incentives quick and easy.

However, if you prefer reaching out to customers differently, there are other ways such as promotional material in your salon window and reception area or SMS and Email campaigns, which are popular as well. All you need to do is gather your customer’s information and you can create targeted campaigns to be send directly to their phones and email addresses. As long as you let them know you don’t risk missing any opportunities.

Run fun incentives for customers and staff

This can involve both staff and your customers. The options are endless, such as anything from a 'Christmas themed Selfie competition' to an 'advent calendar'.
This can be easily linked to your social media outlets, where you can post winners and updates. This, not only motivates existing customers to claim their gift but also new ones to participate in order to win something.

An advent calendar is an all-time favourite and is such a fun thing to do. Give clients the chance to put their name down and you choose a lucky winner each day. You can give discounts away or products all together. This could include things such as 30% off your next treatment – any treatment, free minutes (if you do tanning) or retail products. It’s up to you. Offering free things leaves customers happy and they might share their experience with friends and family. It’s a good way to work on your client retention.

Invest in Salon Software

Salon Software is designed to help with managing your salon. It is far more than just an appointment scheduling system. This is certainly important if you are looking at boosting any last minute sales and want to target specific groups.
Most software’s have features built in that can help you to store important information and ways to improve client retention, or simply reach out to them at special occasions. There won’t be a need for a pen and paper appointment book. Salon Tracker for example is an easy to use software. The calendar view helps you to keep track of general appointments, upcoming bookings and no shows. You can access it from your salon PC or laptop or on the go on any portable device. Especially during December, when your salon is busy, our software can help track last minute slots and cancellations in order for you to fill the gaps. 

Our Marketing feature is so simple to set up and a very easy way to engage with customers. Salon Tracker supports email as well as SMS marketing. It’s an easy way to spread the word about offers and incentives without the lengthy process of planning numerous marketing campaigns. Therefore, you can create specific Black Friday and Christmas offers to be sent to everyone in your database to promote your sales.

Through our subscription service we give clients the opportunity to choose the package that suits them best. We offer three packages starting at just £30 per month.

Last but not least we’ve got some Black Friday Offers at Salon Tracker over the next two weeks:

We are offering 30% off Hardware & SMS Messages to all EXISTING customers, and 20% off Hardware, as well as three months free on software packages for NEW customers!

Make sure to claim your offer now! Just give us a ring on 0113 350 8230 or send us an email to info@salontracker.co.uk

Salontracker x 

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