5 Jan 2015

New Year, New Start!

NEW YEAR, NEW START! Noooooooooope, not in the salon. New Year= everything stays the same! Wanting to switch up your Feng Shui in the salon for the new year but can’t really afford it because of how quiet January is? Well here’s some great news. You can still have a little revamp of your current space, at an affordable price! 

As much as you might want a lick of paint, a new mirror, new floor and new chairs- this might rock the money boat a little. Our suggestion is to focus on the area used most by clients, is this the reception area or the treatment rooms? Cushions and key table items are a great way to mix your colour pallet up a bit. Why not change your mocha brown to a splash of red or pink for the winter months or a cool lime green for spring time? You will be so surprised at how much this actually helps. Why not try and change the room around somewhat. Get a pencil and some paper for ideas then grab the nearest pair of muscles and give it a go. A new space all for under £100!

Salon Tracker TIP: Recycling is all the rage now! All you need is a couple of old palettes and a creative mind and you can really work wonders. Check out Pinterest for some amazing inspiration!

Multi-site Starter Pack

The new year is all about challenging ourselves and striving to achieve success. This may mean for some salons, considering opening anothe...