13 Oct 2023

Frequently asked questions!


This blog is going to go through all the frequently asked questions we get here at Salon Tracker from new and existing customers. We hope that this will answer some of your questions too. 

Sales - 

What features are included in each package?

At Salon Tracker we have three different packages to suit every Salon's needs. Our standard package has all of your digital customer cards, complete client history, 8 business reports and SMS booking reminders. Our next package is the professional package, this package gives you access to an SMS and email marketing suite, stock management and password protected staff logins. All of the Salon features you could need in one place. Our final package is the Enterprise package which gives you access to your very own online account. This means you can have a customised online booking page with payments, your data backed up to the cloud and an app which gives you access to booking and reports from home. This package is perfect for boosting your sales outside of salon hours. 

Are there any hidden costs of the software?

No, Salon Tracker has no hidden costs. We do have optional extras but these are not required. If you are wanting to send out SMS marketing campaigns we sell SMS credits in bundles of 1,000 or if you would like to setup online payments we use a third party payment provider. However, if you are just wanting to use the software without any added costs that's what we do best! We also offer free training, setup and support to keep your costs down. 

Do you sell hardware? 

At Salon Tracker we sell a range of hardware from POS bundles to PC's, we have hardware to meet everyone's needs. We sell POS bundles which include a receipt printer, cash drawer and barcode scanner at a lower price than when you buy the items separate. Or if you want hardware to enhance your Salon's security and safety we sell fingerprint readers and signatures pads. We also sell PC's which fully meet the Salon Tracker specification so you know you won't have any issues. To buy hardware from us, all you need to do is call us on 0113 250 8230, it's that simple. 

Support - 

How do I connect my TMAX if it disconnects?

If Salon Tracker stops sending minutes to your beds the first thing you need to do is check the TMAX box, if it shows 00 that means the beds are connected and if it shows – they are not, and the box will need to be restarted. Once you have done this step or when 00 is showing you will need to follow these steps to connect the TMAX to Salon Tracker.

  • Un-plug and re-plug the TMAX cable from the PC
  • Re start Salon Tracker – this should re connect the beds, if not use the following steps
  • Shut down Salon tracker
  • Go to ‘Device manager’
  • Look for ‘Ports’ – if there is nothing showing the cable is faulty or not plugged in
  • If it shows ‘this device is not supported by windows11’ double click on it
  • Go to ‘driver’
  • Then click ‘update driver’
  • Then ‘browse my computer for drivers’
  • It should give you a list to pick from click the ‘2018’ one – if that doesn’t show ring Salon Tracker
  • Once it is installed reopen Salon Tracker and the beds should be connected
How can I back up my data on Salon Tracker?

If you're on our Enterprise package you don’t need to worry about backups as we store your data on the cloud for you!

But if you're one of our customers on our standard or professional package your data will back up to your PC, but we always recommend getting a removable device back up. You can get this at most shops, all you need to do is find an 8GB (recommended) memory stick and plug it into your PC. It’s that easy! Just make sure when closing Salon Tracker down you tick the ‘Backup the database (Local drive)’ and ‘Backup the database (removable drive)’.

Where can I find support outside of Salon Tracker hours?

As our office hours are 9-5 Monday – Friday, we’re not always available but one of the things we have introduced to help out customers are our support videos. This can help with training staff or just common queries, and can be found on Salon Tracker. The help section of Salon Tracker shows all the help videos from how to use the calendar to advanced reports. We hope this continues to help all our customers when we are not around to. 

We hope that this blog has helped to answer all of your questions on both the sales and support sides of Salon Tracker. However, if you do have any questions which we haven't answered here then just give us a call on 0113 350 8230 or email us at info@salontracker.co.uk.

Salon Tracker x

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