10 Jul 2019

Feature of the Month! E-Signature Pad

As we go through Summer, we know that this is a really busy time for you guys in the salon. Sometimes, that increase in footfall takes over and you can struggle to manage the admin side of your appointments. Especially those of you that offer treatments that have age restrictions or require patch testing beforehand, as you then need signed customer consent prior to allowing these treatments to be booked. Especially with the new GDPR legislations, you have to ensure that you record this information in a secure way too, in which if you were used to having disclaimers slotted away in filing cabinets – it is essential to ensure that the security of these follow the latest laws.

And so that’s why for this month we wanted to discuss our ‘Signature-Pad’ with you.

Not only does this feature allow you to get customers to sign your agreements or salon terms digitally, the signed PDF is then also stored securely, under GDPR compliance, within their software client card.

So, how does this work?

Before now, you may have had your client cards on paper, with extra documents for your signed consent forms and agreements, that maybe got filed under a customer’s name in a cabinet or storage container. With our Signature feature, you can simply laminate your general terms at your cash desk, have them stored on say a tablet, or an iPad for customers to view, email them out to a customer or even still give them a printed copy to read and take home. Whatever your preference for your salon, the difference here is, the customer reads through those terms as they normally would, however this time signs for them on your Signature Pad and their e-signature is then stored under a PDF copy of those same terms, within their digital client card. This means now, where you once had realms of filing cabinets full of disclaimers, you can now go completely paperless! 21st century or what! And if you ever need to update the text of the agreement, it is a simple document swap out within our system and you can get the customer to re-sign via the Signature pad next time they are in the salon. Simple as that and also really easy to use!

As the signature is then stored under their digital client card, that then has the extra protection that the customer has to be logged in to their client card at the salon before being able to sign for your terms electronically. So, say you wanted extra security to ensure that the customer is who they say they are before signing, especially in tanning salons where there is the legality that all clients are over 18, you can utilise our fingerprint recognition to be absolutely certain that the client is who they claim to be before they are signing.

Our software will then track and audit each time someone’s client card is viewed, via our action log. This is so, if anyone tries to imitate or view someone’s disclaimer without the customer being present, our software would notify the salon owner straight away of which staff member this was, also providing the date and the time in which this was viewed too. Meaning this should also clamp down on forged signatures and any clients trying to bend the rules.

Sound like this could benefit you during this busy time? If you would like some more information on our Signature Pad, or perhaps you’d like to try our software out first...simply head to our trial page at:


Remember, you can trial our software FREE for a fortnight, with no obligation, to see how our features benefit your salon before you make any decisions.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Salon Tracker x

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