10 Feb 2014

Rain? Snow? Warm up with these AMAZING 'Winter Warmer Treatments'...

It’s estimated up to 4x more expensive to attract new customers than to maintain existing ones so here’s some last minute marketing tips for you this 2014! We thought we would encourage and offer ideas to salons for their ‘winter warmer and rescue remedy treatments’ and ways of promoting them for this next month. Hopefully this will encourage customers flooding through the doors rather than rain!

  •  Hands and nails are difficult to maintain in winter and so tend to be ignored in the process with a quick lick of paint covering the damage. However, we don’t notice the stress put on our hands and nails in the cold. A ‘healthy hands’ treatment integrating a hand massage with a deep moisturise and manicure is a great way to mend cracked and weak nails.

  • Feet are another area to be neglected in winter months, they aren't seen as much since we tend to wear 8 pairs of socks and wellie boots to protect us from the puddles! Nevertheless, moisture is really important for the feet or they have a tendency to dry out. To prevent this, try offering a ‘tootsie treatment’ integrating hot stones into a foot massage to get the circulation running again. Fix them up with a nice little pedicure for added extras!

  • Winter is a great time to convert clients from shaving to waxing as it is better for hair regrowth and also customer loyalty. It is an ongoing treatment which still remains popular throughout winter so try some new offers and promote them to all clients.

  •  A deep facial cleanse will rid skin of dry impurities and bring out the brightness in your skin for that perfect winter radiance glow.

  •  Hair tends to be scraped and further damaged in winter months too, so it is the perfect time to offer hair rescue remedies for locks that have been exposed and need some life back in to them. Maybe include some colouring offers in your salon too, winter is great for experimenting with darker colours so influence the daring side of your clients with a new do.

  •  Tanning treatments are not just for summer, spray or bed remain popular through the winter because it allows clients to keep a form of glow through the winter months.

  •  Finally, offer hot chocolate, marshmallows and whipped cream complimentary of your winter treatments so people feel that added comfort!

Salon Tracker’s advanced marketing features will allow you to not only categorise people who might be more susceptible to your treatments but will send them a reminder email or SMS to encourage footfall to the salon all under your dictation.

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