22 Dec 2017

Another year over...

And that’s a wrap for another year! I’m sure these years are getting faster, but yet again we find ourselves at the end of December and about to begin a new chapter. It’s been another brilliant year for us, one of our busier years in fact! We’ve got lots of new faces, and that’s not just clients - we have a few new members to the team as well which I’m sure for our current customers you’ve had the pleasure of chatting to some of them over the phone these past few months.

We’ve met many of you at the Professional Beauty shows this year in Feb and October too, which was a pleasure as always. And speaking of the event, I’m excited to announce that we are again exhibiting at Professional Beauty London on 25th/26th Feb! We will be on stand W16, so be sure to visit us there! In fact, you can sign up for your FREE ticket now using our link below:


The Dev team are working on a few really exciting features for the Feb show! But, for now I know you are all extremely busy in the salon so we won’t keep you, but all that’s left to say is have a fantastic Christmas from all of us here at Salon Tracker. We wish you a very happy and healthy New Year and look forward to catching up in Jan with more salon management and marketing advice to grow your business.

It’s been a pleasure, speak to you soon!

Best Wishes,

The Salon Tracker Team x

*We are closing down for Christmas on Friday 22nd December 2017. We will be back in the office on Tuesday 2nd January 2018. Should you require assistance during this time, please telephone 0113 350 8232 and leave a voicemail or email info@salontracker.co.uk*

20 Dec 2017

Marketing tips to make sure you start 2018 with success!

So, after the busy buzz of the Christmas period, Jan and Feb can seem like extremely quiet months for your business. I mean, in comparison to the rest of the year they are always going to feel quiet, but after the extremely frenzied festive period, the contrast can feel noticeably greater. Still having said this, there are some extra things that you can be doing to boost your business footfall and sales a little bit in to the New year.

In the toughest months it’s all about product placement and setting the right marketing campaigns to catch your clients eye above all other competitors.

So what campaigns can you plan to kick off 2018 in the right way?

After Christmas, everyone (or so it seems) goes on a mass health kick and often adopts a fresh new look for the New Year. You see gym memberships advertised with no joining fee, everyone quoting the #newyearnewme line and so what not a better time to jump on the bandwagon and take advantage of the same campaign.

How can you promote this?

There are lots of different ways to promote a New Year campaign and after Christmas everyone is looking for fresh new product ranges, sparkles are no more and it’s everything spring! However, little tip - your left-over Christmas merchandise you could flog for a discount and I’m sure they’ll still get snapped up by your clients!

Here’s what we think you should push for New year throughout Jan…

New Product Promotion

We see a lot of social media sharing, starting in the week running up to Christmas, where businesses want to start promoting their new year product lines. So, this is where we would advise that you begin. Use the common hashtags #newyearnewyou & #newyearnewlook so that when people are clicking these your 2018 campaigns will also be shown on Facebook & Instagram’s main feeds. Advertise your up and coming products, write a blog post on why they aren’t to be missed and maybe grab some testers to hand out to clients. Aside from the obvious plus point for your clients of a ‘complimentary tester’ which is always loved by everyone, this is also a great opportunity for you to grab some testimonials of your new products to push on social media for further advertising! And everyone appreciates an honest client review before trying something new.

New Year New Me

So, we’ve already mentioned starting to use the cliché hashtags when promoting your new product ranges, but these sorts of campaigns are in their volumes across Jan. So even if you do a general #newyearnewlook campaign to push your main treatments, use slogans such as ‘love your image’ and ‘self-confidence’ to promote it to ensure positivity is at the forefront of your new year merchandise. You could even then run a January selfie competition where all clients who have had a New Year makeover upload their selfie and tag your salon, and then the winner receives a prize of your choice and this could be drawn in Feb? Just a little idea for further social post engagement.

Revive & Replenish

Another great campaign to push your skin and hair care products in Spring, as you go down the whole ‘rejuvenate after the Christmas partying’ route. However, also a fab time to refresh the salon as well! Give the salon a fresh new look, or even just spruce things up with a lick of paint, some different accessories and a bit of a spring clean. You can then even use this as an excuse to promote your business on social media, by asking your followers to ‘come down and see your fresh-faced salon’?

Discounts and Bounce Back Rewards

Now, I know we usually don’t promote discounting your products and services too much, as you don’t need to cheapen down your services if you offer quality treatments and have loyal clients. However, in January we all know that everyone tightens the purse strings a little bit so a small discount or little money-off reward is sometimes necessary to get those clients spending a little earlier than they may have planned in the New year.

We particularly love the idea of bounce back rewards, in which you could start giving to all clients towards the end of December and in Jan, and this then offers them either a small percentage or little value off their next treatment in Jan/Feb? It doesn’t have to be anything massive, and you set the rules. So, for example, you might want to set a minimum spend before the reward can be redeemed, so an idea would be ‘Spend £40 in Jan/Feb to receive a £5 New year bounce back reward off your treatment?’

Client Testimonials, they can become a VIP?

Promote the message to your loyal clients of ‘Thank you for your custom in 2017, could you please help us to have a successful 2018?’ Then poach them to see if they will be one of your testimonials or case studies? A reward for them giving you a service review could be to put them in to a VIP programme. Everyone loves feeling privileged and to say that you are a registered VIP member of a company is always rewarding, so this should hopefully push for you to get yourselves some fresh new testimonials, which are great for your marketing campaigns throughout the New Year. And you could do something as simple as offering your VIP clients '10% off all treatments' or 'a % off a certain amount of a treatments', say 4 times a year? Whichever would work and still be cost-effective for your business.

New Year newsletter

Similar to the client testimonials, you often have to give people an incentive to sign up! So, it could again be something as simple as ‘10% off if you sign up’, or ‘receive a £5 voucher to use if you sign up to our mailing list?’ The great thing however about a newsletter is it provides you with not only another communicational channel to message your customers, it also brings in new potential clients that you may not have had. If you promote your salon on Facebook or Google using adverts, and push your newsletter sign-up offers on those, this is likely to improve your lead generation of new clients. Then, you can start telling your new mailing list all about your services, new products, up and coming treatments and even include a few of your (hopefully) new client testimonials!

So, we hope these little tips have helped and given you something to think about for the New year…but first, lets have a cracking Christmas and then we’ll hit 2018 in successful style! Let’s do this!

Salon Tracker x

12 Dec 2017

Email Marketing and how it’s done right

Whoever says email marketing is a dead art form is very mistaken. Pretty much everyone still has an email account these days and uses it. Smart phones and other portable devices have made it possible to connect and stay on top of your emails on the go and at any time.
As a salon owner, you own a business that flourishes from customer interactions that needs to develop ways to attract new, as well as retain current clients. Email is not only a powerful marketing tool it is also free to use with many providers. The options with emails are plenty and it can be used in many ways, from campaigns to promotional emails. There are a few simple steps you need to do in order to optimise your emails, to get the most our of them.

Getting started
First, you’ll need an email marketing service such as Mail Chimp. Many of these services offer a free version up to a certain number of emails per month. These services offer plenty of different templates that allow you to create different designs to match your business. However, the key with email marketing is not to overload your customers with too many emails. Less is better will do the trick in this instance. 
Here are some tips on what content you want to be sending and how you can measure your success:

Salon e-newsletter
Why not start with a monthly salon e-newsletter. Newsletters are great to tell customers about your business and any industry news they might find interesting. Go easy on promotional material, writing too much about offers and deals can put people off and will lose you subscribers as it will come across too sales driven. If you make your content entertaining and useful to your subscribers, they will be more  likely to stay local. 

Use a creative and grabbing subject line
A lot can be decided even before your emails is opened. If the subject line doesn’t spark a subscribers interest it will go straight in the bin without giving up any further consideration about the content. Meaning, you’ve only got seconds to grab someones attention. Therefore, try to avoid words in your subject line like special | free | percentage off | reminder | £ $ symbols | ! | as they will likely trigger spam filters and subscribers also know that you want to push your products on them. Once you have their attention and they have opened your email you want to make sure to keep the content concise and right to the point. 

Keep track of your performance
Emails get open just to be deleted again or to unsubscribe. Even though in your report it is marked as success, you haven’t really achieved new clients or revenue with this. A good way to track if people are reacting to your email is to measure performance with Google Analytics. For example, you can set up different goals such as see when people clicked on a link in your email. When you set up your campaigns and you want valuable information about your customers this is a great way to do so. 

Testing can be good as well. Create similar emails and see which one is performing better so you know what clients prefer and click on more often. 

Make sure it works on all devices

(Source: Marketingland)
If you want to make sure your email is catching the reader’s eye and will be opened make sure it works across all screens. Meaning, it is important that your email campaign adjusts to different devices and screen sizes. 
You can check the exact percentage of open rates and which devices were used on Google Analytics again. Once you are aware of the most popular device you can make sure everything works according to people preferences. 

Overall, email marketing can be a great way building relationships with current and potential customer when done right. Record what you learn from customers in a database. This way you can adjust your marketing. For example, if there is a popular time people open your email then send campaigns around that time. This might require some initial trial and error testing but after a few attempts, you should have some valuable info what clients prefer. 
As always if you have any questions or need advice don't hesitate to contact us via phone, email or social media.

Salon Tracker x

6 Dec 2017

Feature of the Month - Site View

We can’t believe it’s already December! Where has the time gone? Anyway, it’s time for another feature of the month blog, and this month we’re focusing on Site View! For those of you that don’t know, Site View is a great feature that allows salon owners to have full access to their systems reports, takings, staff and refunds. It also allows your staff to look at their upcoming bookings, and their rotas for the upcoming weeks. Here’s just some of the ways that Site View can benefit your Salon:

Access Anywhere at Anytime

One of the main pros of Site View is that you can access it on any device, whether that’s a computer, phone, tablet, laptop, and at any time, as long as there's an internet connection. So, if you’re enjoying your holidays, on the go, or even if you’re just at home, you can easily check on your salon and see if everything is in order. You will also be able to view staff performance reports, allowing you to maintain authority in your absence. Site View is great for your staff, especially those who do shifts, as they will easily be able to login to their account and have a look at their rotas. To ensure that there are no double bookings made by you or your staff, Site View isn’t editable, as this could cause the calendar to become hectic, and result in you having to rearrange appointments. 

Admin Levels

With the Salon Tracker system, there are permissions that you can set for your staff members, so that they only have access to certain areas of the software, and this is the same with the Site View feature. Within the permissions in Salon Tracker, you can tick the areas you want your staff to be able to access:

• Allow access to Site View dashboard 
• Allow access to Site View calendar 
• Allow access to view my calendar 
• Allow access to view my calendar 
• Allow access to Site View reports 
• Allow access to Site View charts
• Allow access to Site View HQ dashboard 

It may be that you only want your staff members to have access to their bookings calendar, so that they can see all of their upcoming bookings. Either way this is a fantastic feature to add security to your Salon!


Site View is password protected, and needs both a username and password to login. The usernames and passwords are those used on the Salon Tracker system, and can be changed at any point. Site View will give you the reassurance that your salon activity is secure and running to a high standard by allowing you to constantly check on your business and flag up any problems or issues that you notice.

Our Site View feature is available with our Enterprise package, which is £90 a month (excluding VAT). It is an essential for those of you with more than one salon, as you can easily view everything you need, in one place! If you want any more information about the software, don’t hesitate to contact us on 0113 350 8230 or email us on info@salontracker.co.uk.

Salon Tracker x

Solo Package

If you’re a solo salon owner or a mobile beauty professional, you know how important it is to have the right tools to streamline your busine...