16 Sept 2020

Updates for our Salons on new Coronavirus Government Safety Regulations

On Thurs 10th September, it was announced that it is now illegal from 14th September for groups of more than 6 to meet and socialise anywhere in England.

By Friday 11th September, the government also introduced some extra safety measures that apply to all salons, from this Friday 18th September. For all of our clients, we can already cater for the new regulations using the software, as you have the ability to take all details, including contact number/email fields and also the ability to book them in for their appointment (which then tracks the duration of the time they will be in your salon). We are however, in line with these new changes, going to be creating a new report that will outline all individuals that have been in to the salon in any given period, should you be required to contact these clients inline with the current track and trace programme.

The updates rules as published on the Government website https://www.gov.uk/guidance/working-safely-during-coronavirus-covid-19/close-contact-services are as follows:

1. Complete a COVID-19 risk assessment. Share it with all your staff. Find out how to do a risk assessment.

· Communicate and train. Make sure all staff and customers are kept up to date with how safety measures are being used and updated. 

2. Clean more often. Increase how often you clean surfaces, especially those that are being touched a lot. Ask your staff and your customers to use hand sanitiser and wash their hands frequently.

· Keep music and other background noise to a minimum to prevent people from speaking loudly or shouting.

3. Ask your customers to wear face coverings in any indoor space or where required to do so by law. That is especially important if your customers are likely to be around people they do not normally meet. Some exemptions apply. Check when to wear one, exemptions, and how to make your own.

· You must also wear a visor and mask. Encourage practitioners to wear both a clear visor or goggles and a Type II face mask to keep their clients safe. Provide training on how to wear face masks safely.

4. Make sure everyone is social distancing. Make it easy for everyone to do so by putting up signs or introducing a one-way system that your customers can follow.

· Keep clients apart. Consider how many people can be in the space while remaining socially distant. Rearrange waiting areas so that clients can stay apart. Use floor markings to manage queues.

· Help your staff maintain social distancing. Consider using barriers between workstations, introduce back-to-back or side-to-side working, and have staff work in the same team each day.

5. Increase ventilation by keeping doors and windows open where possible and running ventilation systems at all times.

6. Take part in NHS Test and Trace by keeping a record of all your customers for 21 days. From 18 September, this will be enforced in law.

7. Turn people with coronavirus symptoms away. If a staff member (or someone in their household) or a customer has a persistent cough, a high temperature or has lost their sense of taste or smell, they should be isolating.

With this updated guidance, where before we have said to all of our clients, we would encourage you not to use the walk-in client, and always schedule/take details for appointments, this is now mandatory by law from Friday 18th September. Therefore, you must not use the walk-in client from there forward until we have more information form the government.

You must now also ensure your staff members all either wear a visor, or a mask and goggles at all times, to further protect themselves and your clients from the virus. All clients (unless exempt for medical reasons) must also wear a face covering by law.

Our current action log and booking summary reports can provide all information of clients that have visited your salon that day, and the appointments in which they have had, including duration so that you are aware of their entrance and exit times. As earlier mentioned, we are working on a report that we aim to roll out as fast as possible, to make this tracking much simpler and easier for you, should your business have a request for information due to coronavirus cases.

If you have any questions or wish to speak to us for any further advice on how to continue running your salon in a Covid-safe way, please don’t hesitate to contact us on 0113 350 8230.

We continue to help you as best as we possibly can to manage your salon during these unprecedented times!

Salon Tracker x

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